Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week Two: Pride for our Falcons as they play to beat cancer!

This week was one of celebration, energy, and a powerful message surrounding around our Clash for the Cure game. Friday, Mrs. Gotts' put together an amazing assembly to celebrate students, focus on promoting school pride, and honor those who have been impacted by cancer.

There were moments of great laughter, pride, and excitement during the assembly. Students and teachers participated in several games to bring our FMS community together at the beginning of the year!

FMS ended our assembly with a powerful presentation where Mr. and Mrs. LaFond shared their journey with cancer in the family. 

Later in the afternoon, Ms. Shea participated in the Clash for the Cure dunk tank to help raise money for families impacted by cancer. Students had a great time dunking their middle school math teacher!

The day was an amazing success. Thank you to the entire Freeland community for participating in this year's Clash for the Cure!

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