Sunday, September 11, 2016

Week One: Reflections

This week was packed full of learning for our students at Freeland Middle School. Specifically, students were learning about the expectations at the middle school this year. We began the week with a welcome assembly celebrating the start of the year and discussing our theme this year: G.R.I.T.

We then had lots of learning around expectations for the building. An example of this was in Mrs. Hannon's Media Literacy class where students spent time setting norms for their one-to-one computer experience in her class. Students collaborated together to develop a list of what they expect from one another in this one-to-one learning environment.

The middle school also spent time during Homeroom this week focusing on expectations for all shared spaces in the building. Students learned about what is expected in the cafeteria, hallway, bathrooms, locker rooms, and gym. With the student body reaching 300+ this year it is important all students understand expectations in these spaces to make sure that we are being safe and respectful in our public areas!

Along with learning about the expectations in our school, students also had a great time in their academic learning! In Mr. LaFond's Medical Detectives class students were able to begin their work as medical detectives learning about body temperature and the changes that take place with your body temperature as students increase their activity level.

In Mrs. Gott's Physical Education class, students worked on collecting baseline data for a variety of physical activities. Students will use this data to put together their own physical health goals for the year. 

Finally, all students learned about our lunch homework help program, H.I.P. HIP stands for Homework is Priority. It is an additional learning opportunity we provide to all students to give them space during lunch to work on homework that is missing or incomplete. Students who participate in the HIP lunch program increase their success in class, and learn valuable lessons about continuing to take school seriously. If you would like more information on our HIP program check out the HIP presentation!

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