Monday, September 26, 2016

Homecoming Assembly

We had a great Homecoming Assembly on Friday. The energy and enthusiasm that the middle school students and staff brought was incredible! We are proud, loud Falcons here at Freeland Middle School!

The assembly began with a great tribute to our country when the Choir class sang The National Anthem for our students.

After this, our cheer and pom team put on two great routines for us to help our middle school students have positive school spirit!

No assembly would be complete without a few games to show our school pride! Even our regular middle school substitute teacher, Mr. Sears, participated during the Homecoming Assembly! 

And of course... we spent time celebrating all of our students participating in Fall sports including volleyball, football, cross country, pom, cheer, and much more! 

What a great time to be a Freeland Falcon! 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Student Support Center... Homecoming Week... and More!

Student Support Center
This week we began our Student Support Center. The SSC has two advisors - Mrs. Kostrzewa and Mrs. Furst. During 2nd, 4th, and 6th hour students can utilize the SSC for any beahvior or academic need they have. Students may be referred to the SSC for behavior or academic support, but can also ask to go to the SSC if they just need a quiet place to work, or need more individualized support on a behavior or academic need.

If you are interested in learning more about the SSC the presentation students were given to introduce this support center is right here!

Homecoming Week
What a great week for homecoming. We had huge participation in our spirit week. Students dressed up every day for the various spirit days which included western day, mismatch day, PJ day, jersey day, and a Falcon Spirit day. Here is a slideshow showcasing all of the school spirit that the middle school has! A big congratulations goes out to Mr. Schwedler's homeroom class for having the highest percentage of participants dress up each day. Our choir did a great job practicing for and singing the national anthem at our homecoming week assembly!

Student Council
Our 2016-2017 was announced today at the middle school assembly. Congratulations to all who ran, and to our new cabinet members:

President - Luke Cairy
Vice President - Nolan VanLoo
Secretary - Kayla Irrer
Treasurer - Lydia Back
Public Relations Director: Hope Kloha
7th Grade Rep - Brody Wheatley
7th Grade Rep - Bailey Mantei
8th Grade Rep - Taylor Ferchau
8th Grade Rep - Molly Hemesberg

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week Two: Pride for our Falcons as they play to beat cancer!

This week was one of celebration, energy, and a powerful message surrounding around our Clash for the Cure game. Friday, Mrs. Gotts' put together an amazing assembly to celebrate students, focus on promoting school pride, and honor those who have been impacted by cancer.

There were moments of great laughter, pride, and excitement during the assembly. Students and teachers participated in several games to bring our FMS community together at the beginning of the year!

FMS ended our assembly with a powerful presentation where Mr. and Mrs. LaFond shared their journey with cancer in the family. 

Later in the afternoon, Ms. Shea participated in the Clash for the Cure dunk tank to help raise money for families impacted by cancer. Students had a great time dunking their middle school math teacher!

The day was an amazing success. Thank you to the entire Freeland community for participating in this year's Clash for the Cure!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Week One: Reflections

This week was packed full of learning for our students at Freeland Middle School. Specifically, students were learning about the expectations at the middle school this year. We began the week with a welcome assembly celebrating the start of the year and discussing our theme this year: G.R.I.T.

We then had lots of learning around expectations for the building. An example of this was in Mrs. Hannon's Media Literacy class where students spent time setting norms for their one-to-one computer experience in her class. Students collaborated together to develop a list of what they expect from one another in this one-to-one learning environment.

The middle school also spent time during Homeroom this week focusing on expectations for all shared spaces in the building. Students learned about what is expected in the cafeteria, hallway, bathrooms, locker rooms, and gym. With the student body reaching 300+ this year it is important all students understand expectations in these spaces to make sure that we are being safe and respectful in our public areas!

Along with learning about the expectations in our school, students also had a great time in their academic learning! In Mr. LaFond's Medical Detectives class students were able to begin their work as medical detectives learning about body temperature and the changes that take place with your body temperature as students increase their activity level.

In Mrs. Gott's Physical Education class, students worked on collecting baseline data for a variety of physical activities. Students will use this data to put together their own physical health goals for the year. 

Finally, all students learned about our lunch homework help program, H.I.P. HIP stands for Homework is Priority. It is an additional learning opportunity we provide to all students to give them space during lunch to work on homework that is missing or incomplete. Students who participate in the HIP lunch program increase their success in class, and learn valuable lessons about continuing to take school seriously. If you would like more information on our HIP program check out the HIP presentation!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Details about the 2016-17 school year

Welcome back to the 2016-17 school year at the middle school!

If you are new to Freeland Middle School and missed the Open House, an Open House presentation is attached here. Please make sure to review this as you start the new year. A few highlights from the school year include drop off/pick up details, our school theme for the year (GRIT), counseling and athletic information, as well as details pertaining to the first day of school.

A few updates for the new year.

First day of School

  • All students will report to the middle school gym at 7:35am on the first day of school for a short Welcome Assembly. Students who have an exploratory class at the high school will then be escorted to their exploratory classes by their high school teacher. 
  • Students will also meet their 7th hour exploratory teachers in the front hallway before they go to their 7th hour classes at the high school on the first day of school. 

Schedule Changes

  • Students who had Ms. Mehnert or Ms. Shea during 2nd OR 6th hour will see a teacher change reflected on their schedules. Ms. Mehnert will now be teaching 2nd hour Math Course 3 and 6th hour Math Course 2 to 7th grade students. Ms. Shea will now be teaching Algebra 1 during 2nd and 6th hour. If you have questions regarding this change please contact the building principal, Mrs. Wulff, at 989-692-4032. 
Substitute Update
  • Ms. Mehnert will have a substitute teacher for the first 2-4 weeks of school due to a surgery she had over the summer. Mr. Unger will be substitute teaching for her. If you have questions regarding this substitute position please let the office know. 
Details about the week
  • Picture day is Friday!
  • School starts at 7:35 and ends at 2:23 every day
  • Bus drop off/pick up is at the middle school entrance
  • Parent drop off/pick up is at the high school entrance