Monday, March 26, 2018

PSAT Information and M-Step Reminders

Okay FMS, be prepared for a longer post here! I wanted to make sure to update all of you on all things testing as we enter our spring testing season. Recently, our 8th grade students received their Fall PSAT scores back and there is a lot of information that can be gained from these. Please read below for more information. For any questions on the M-Step testing process in the middle school, scroll past the PSAT information and you will find all things M-Step! 

Happy Spring Break!
Parents of 8th grade students, below are some very important tutorials and announcements in regards to your child's PSAT 8/9 reports!

Did you know your child took the PSAT 8/9 in the Fall of 2017 this year as an initial way to prepare for the SAT they will take in their 11th grade year? The PSAT and ACT replaced the Explore ACT and ACT testing that Michigan use to use as their college readiness assessment. What we love about the PSAT is the fact that there are many ways for your child to prepare and practice for these high stakes college and career readiness assessments.

Mrs. Tomsich, our College and Career Advisor and Mr. Duley our K-8 Counselor  recently met with all 8th grade students to get them connected to their College Board account and their Khan Academy account which are both available for free to all students who have taken the PSAT or SAT. Students are able to utilize these reports and practice sites to help guide them throughout the next three years as they prepare for the SAT. Below is a short tutorial for all of you that provides a summary of what Mrs. Tomsich and Mr. Duley presented to our 8th grade students earlier this month.

Additionally, your child was given a paper copy of their reports. This paper report provides basic information on their readiness level for the PSAT and SAT assessments. All students will take the PSAT as an 8th, 9th, and 10th grade student to help be as prepared as possible for the SAT their 11th grade year.

If you are confused on how to read your child's paper or online report please use this document as a guide. It goes over the basics of how to read and analyze the report that the PSAT provides for each student who takes the PSAT.

We know navigating through these tests can be confusing, so feel free to contact us at any time.
  • Mrs. Wulff -
  • Mrs. Tomsich -
Or contact our K-8 Counselor:
  • Mr. Duley -
We hope that this provides you some good information as you continue to learn about the PSAT and SAT testing your child will take. In the next few years expect more tutorials and information to come out in regards to how you can continue to support your child as they practice for their SAT testing that will take place in 11th grade.

M-Step Reminders
Below are several reminders for the M-Step Spring 2018 testing:
  • Please make sure you are in attendance during testing times. Contact Mrs. Wulff if you will be absent at or 989-692-4032.
  • Headphones are required for portions of the M-Step. Please bring your own headphones with you if you have them. 
M-Step Schedule
8th grade
April 9th
  • Math Tests from 8:30-9:30am and 11:00-12:00pm 
April 16th 
  • English tests from 9:15-10:18am and 12:30-1:34pm
April 18th 
  • Social Studies test from 8:30-9:30am
  • Science Field Test from 11:00-12:00pm *field test is based on the new Next Generation Science Standards
7th grade
May 2nd 
  • Math tests from 8:30-9:30am and 11:00-12:00pm
May 3rd 
  • English tests from 9:15-10:18am and 12:30-1:34pm
Important Documents
To continue to keep all stakeholders well informed, the Michigan Department of Education has put together a bank of parent/student resources on all assessments that students take as they continue their education. Below are a wide variety of resources in regards to Michigan assessments. 

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