Monday, September 11, 2017

A new year, a fresh start, an exciting week.

Well, our middle school students made it through the first week, and had a great time last week! There were so many moments throughout the week that made me proud to be a Freeland Falcon. Our students did an excellent job settling into the routines of the middle school, and things are running smoothly.

Students are loving our lunch set up, and like that they have lots of variety in food and seating in the cafeteria!

Students are also getting used to their new classes, and doing many new things in their classes to work with one another, get to know their teachers, and utilize the technology we have available at school! 

Students are learning what it means to SOAR Above the Line at Freeland Middle School, and have posters and reminders all throughout the school to help them better understand our building theme! Students also walked to each of our shared spaces in the school to review our SOAR expectations for shared spaces in the building. 

And, a successful first week cannot happen without a great pep assembly! On Friday, we celebrated with the rest of the community as we prepared for our Clash for the Cure game. Students had a great time participating in many different activities that focused on building awareness around supporting those impacted by cancer.

What a great week to be a Falcon. Go Falcons! Go Freeland Middle School!

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