Monday, April 24, 2017

Rewarding weeks always have their roots in hard work.

Educationally, this was one of the most rewarding weeks I have had to date. This week, our staff, students, parents, administrators, and more planned and implemented the following events:
  • A SOAR assembly to celebrate third marking period students who have done an incredible job persevering this year. 
  • We hosted a cafeteria full of parents and students to begin discussions about the transition to the middle school. 
  • The middle school had a Career Day for 7th and 8th grade. 7th grade hosted a Career Fair at the middle school and 8th grade went on a field trip to Bay Arenac Career Center.
  • FMS staff hosted our first student-led transition focused conference for parents and students. 
  • All students in the middle school met out in the halls to cheer on our students attending the Special Olympics taking place. 
When I reflect on this week, and think about how much work Mrs. Gotts and her Life Skills class as well as FMS Student Council put into the SOAR assembly, I am once again amazed at what our students and staff can do. Then, I reflected on the fact that we had 100% of our staff participate in a staff vs. staff basketball game just to help students have some fun celebrating each other! Mr. Shaw has now gone down in FMS history for his incredible basketball skills!

I think about all the parents and students in the community who took time out of their evening to come and learn about the transition to the middle school, and I am full of gratitude and excitement as we begin to welcome the next group of students into our building. 

Then, I take a look at what our staff accomplished on our Career Day, and I just can't help but smile, because I know that in this building, we have staff that, every hour of every day, go above and beyond to meet the educational needs of our students. A special thank you to the 7th grade team for making our first 7th grade Career Fair such a huge success. And of course, we could not have made our Career Fair happen without the following participants: 
  • Kelly Netzly - Photographer
  • Jamie Rivette-Yeo & Yeo partner 
  • Hillary House - State Trooper
  • Kara Ellis - Super Cute, owner
  • Paul Bork - Dow Chemical
  • Brad Phillips - Dow Chemical
  • Emmy Lucas - ABC 12 news
  • Jason Furst - Parole Officer
  • Dr. Thomas - Orthodontist 
  • Jason Fielder - TV5
  • Cletis Wellnitz - Environmental Health Safety
  • Henry Edwards - Air Force
  • Tony Soave - DNR Officer
  • Chris VanLoo - Fire Chief 

Additionally, a thank you to our students who showed Falcon Pride during their field trip to the Bay-Arenac Career Center. Everyone participated, was positive, and showed respect while on this field trip! 

And, the end of the week was a special day for all of us. Many of our students in 7th-12th grade went off to attend the Special Olympics today. Our staff came up with a plan to line the halls prior to the students walking to the bus to cheer on all students on as they left for the Olympics. What an incredible moment for our middle school staff and students.

There are those moments that stick with us forever. I am so proud to serve this community, and am grateful that every day, as I walk into Freeland Middle School, I know that I am walking into a place that is not just a school, we are a true family. Go Falcons! Go FMS!

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