Wednesday, March 22, 2017

General Spring Updates for Freeland Middle School

Pro Wrestling Event
The Freeland Parent Support Organization is hosting a Pure Pro Wrestling Event to raise money for technology purchases at the middle and high school on Friday, April 7th at 7:00pm. Ticket prices start at $10.00 a ticket. To purchase your tickets for this event please go to this site: 

Our M-Step testing for 8th grade students will begin on Wednesday, April 12th. Students will test the full day on the 12th, and will also test for partial days on Mary 13th and May 26th. It is very important that your child attend school on these days. Please email Mrs. Wulff if your child has to miss a test date for any reason. 7th grade M-Step testing will begin on May 9th.

End of Marking Period
The end of the marking period is on Thursday, April 13th. We will not have school on Friday, April 14th

Parent Teacher Conferences
Our final parent teacher conferences for the year will take place on April 20th from 4:30-6:30pm. These will be student-led conferences focusing on transitioning to the next grade level. 

Field Trip – April 20th
Our 8th grade students will be attending a ½ day field trip on April 20th to the Bay Arenac Career Center. While this is taking place, our 7th grade students will be hosting a Career Fair in the middle school. We are looking forward to both events that will better prepare our middle school students to think about the choices that are out their for their careers!

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