Recently, we have have had a lot of new things going on at the middle school. We had a pep assembly for students as well as a field trip. Both of these have brought our students together and have made our Freeland Middle School family closer! Additionally, we have many genius hour projects that are going exceptionally well. Finally, we also have a lot to celebrate as we honor two students who are our Optimist Club recipients this year.
Pep Assembly
To celebrate the end of the first marking period we had a great pep assembly recognizing students who showed GRIT first semester. We focused on what our second marking period theme will be, Resilience, and also recognized students for their sports and clubs.
Genius Hour
We also have had some great projects going on for our Genius Hour. Genius Hour is a concept that Mrs. Williamson (8th grade ELA) learned about this summer at a conference. The idea is to allow students to explore things they are truly interested in while engaging in essential research skills, presentation skills, and other key literacy skills. Mrs. Williamson is working on Genius Hour every Friday and her students are doing some fantastic work! So far, some of the genius hour projects have focused in on raising money for cancer awareness, making a mark on Freeland Middle School through an 8th grade class mural, collecting items for the Underground Railroad and many more! Students are truly "owning" their learning with these interest projects.
Optimist Club
A huge congratulations goes out to Amanda Comstock and Alex Holt for being chosen by their 8th grade teachers for the Optimist Club award recipient this year. These students are positive leaders in the school, and do a great job making FMS an inviting and positive place to be!
Spirit Game Field Trip
On Wednesday, November 16th our whole school celebrated our GRIT theme by attending a Saginaw Spirit Education Game day. The day started with a STEM exploration at the Dow Event Center where students were able to do things like create replications of their own DNA. Following this, students celebrated together by watching a Saginaw Spirit game. For some students, this was their first ever hockey game and was something they truly enjoyed!
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