Monday, December 14, 2015

PSAT, MiPhy, and More!

Assessment Update

Last Wednesday our 7th grade students successfully completed the MiPHY test to provide the county with data on our students social and emotional needs, as well as basic health needs in the county. This data is completely anonymous, and will be used at a county level to look at trends seen in our students throughout all of Saginaw County.

The 8th grade students also had a big testing day last Wednesday. They completed their first ever PSAT experience! The test began right at 7:30 and ended just in time for lunch at 11:30. The test assesses three key areas - reading, writing, and math. The areas of social studies and science are embedded throughout each of these three areas.

Click the below links to learn more about some of the key elements in each of these areas:

We should receive the results from this test sometime in January or February. These test results will guide our building wide goals on ensuring our students are career and college ready. Parents will also be provided the SAT results for their children. 

M-Step results are continuing to be processed by the state and district. We expect to mail these results for both 7th and 8th grade students to you sometime in January. 

Fun happenings around school

Check out Mrs. Bain's classroom working on a close reading activity in 7th grade English. 

Plan on joining us for TWO concerts on Tuesday, December 15th. Our choir concert will be performing at 6:30pm, and our band concert will follow at 7:00pm. Both concerts will be held in the high school auditorium.

Please make sure to complete the parent survey for all middle school students when you get a chance. This will only take about 10 minutes of your time and contains very valuable information for us to use to continue to improve the school. 

And... one more announcement
We have our first dodge ball tournament of the year scheduled for next Tuesday, December 22nd at 2:30pm. Teams of 5 can sign up in the middle school office before Thursday. Each team will pay a $10.00 entry fee. Admission into the tournament will be $1.00 for all students not participating in the tournament, and is free for those who are in the tournament. Be prepared to compete against our teacher team next Tuesday! :)

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