Saturday, November 14, 2015

2nd marking period starts off with a... pie.

This Friday, we had our first SOAR assembly to celebrate student's who showed positive and respectful attitudes first marking period, as well as maintained good academic standing. The 7th and 8th grade teachers selected several students to recognize at this assembly, and the student council executive board planned many fun games to celebrate the end of a very successful first marking period. The best part of the assembly was the continued tradition of incorporating PIE! A special thanks to Ms. Heckman for participating in the pie contest to find the hidden gummy worm in the mud pie!

Students also had a make up decorating contest that was a huge hit, and had the audience laughing a ton!

The best part of the SOAR assemblies is always celebrating the students in 7th and 8th grade who are showing great leadership in the building. Below are the 1st marking period SOAR recipients. Each recipient received a certificate, recognition in front of the entire school, and a choice prize to celebrate their success. Thank you for all you do middle school student leaders!

This marking period the focus was all about RESPECT. In every class students learned about how to show respect. For second marking period, students will be learning about HELPFULNESS. The focus will be on how to help others, how to ask for help, and how to be a helpful person. The key question we will be asking students is, "How have you helped today?". All homeroom activities, pep assemblies, and positive incentives will revolve around being helpful.

2nd Marking Period General Announcements

  • Thursday, November 19th - 7th Grade Vision Screening
  • Monday, November 23rd - 7th Grade Holocaust Trip
  • Tuesday, November 24th - Helpfulness Homeroom
  • November 25th-27th - No School: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
  • Tuesday, December 8th - PTO Meeting 7:00pm in the high school office (CIC room)
  • Wednesday, December 9th - 7th grade MiPHY test administration
  • Wednesday, December 9th - 8th grade PSAT test administration 
  • December 24th-January 1st - No School for winter break

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