For all INCOMING 7th grade families...
This year has just flown by, hasn't it! I cannot believe we are weeks away from finishing up the 17-18 school year. We are so excited to have your child join us in the fall.If you missed our recent incoming 7th grade parent transition meeting. Please check out the presentation attached here so that you can have some of your questions answered in regards to your child transitioning to the middle school.
So far this year, your child and family have had two opportunities to begin the middle school transition. Mrs. Wulff went to the elementary school in the middle of April to discuss transitioning with students, and many students also attended the parent transition night hosted in late April.
One final opportunity your child has before the end of the year is coming up on Friday, May 18th. Transition Day is a day when our middle school students all transition up to the next grade level for the day. The 6th grade students will head over to the middle school around 9:00am and have a full day of fun and learning getting to know their teachers for next year, practicing combinations on lockers, and even getting a chance to eat lunch in our cafeteria! If your child would like to eat lunch in the cafeteria they need to plan on bringing their own money or having money put into our Meal Magic website prior to this date. Students are also able to bring their own packed lunch if they prefer.
If you have any questions about any of the transition opportunities for your child, please let Mrs. Wulff know at
For all INCOMING 8th grade families...
Our 7th grade students are in for a great treat on Friday, May 18th as they spend a day being 8th grade students with their teachers. Our 8th grade teachers have a morning of leadership activities planned for students as they get to know the teachers and learn about what it means to be a leader here at Freeland Middle School. In the afternoon, after lunch, students will load buses and head to over 20 different sites around Freeland to engage in a community Service Learning Project. Students will be in small groups of 5-15 with chaperones guiding them through the work that needs to be done at each location. If you are not wanting your child to attend this Service Learning Project please complete this form and turn it into the main office by Thursday, May 17th. Students will come back to school around 1:00pm on Friday and will end their day with an ice cream social to celebrate their transition day work together.For all INCOMING 9th grade families...
Our 8th grade students will be going to the 9th grade for the day on Friday, May18th. Students should have received a letter in the mail recently outlining the days activities that will take place at the high school. Students will engage in activities throughout the day that explain and go over all the things that they can expect when they are Freshman in high school. Additionally, students need to make sure they report to the cafeteria right after 1st hour on Friday, and they need to bring a writing utensil to the cafeteria because their initial activities will involve writing tasks and activities.I hope everyone has a wonderful day on Friday and enjoys all the days activities as our students begin to think about the transition to the next grade level!