Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Talent Show

Freeland Middle School is proud to announce that we have 12 acts for our 2017 Talent show! Parents are welcome to attend the show. It will begin at 1:00pm, and will wrap up by 2:23pm. The show is next Friday, February 3rd in the auditorium. If parents do choose to attend, please check in at the middle school main office before going to the auditorium. Do NOT check in at the high school office.

We cannot wait to see the talent that Freeland Middle School has to offer this year. Below is a snapshot of just a few of the incredible acts we have planned for this year!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Exam Preperation

It is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of first semester. To better prepare for semester exams, below are tons of Exam Study tips, presentations, and videos. All students have had the opportunity to meet with Ms. Tomsich, our College/Career Advisor, to learn about how to best study for exams. Additionally, our homeroom this week will provide some good reminders for students on how to study. 

Below is our exam schedule: 

Wednesday, January 25th          7:35-7:50 1st hour exam review
                                                            7:50-9:25 1st hour exam
                                                            9:25-9:30 Break
                                                9:35-10:34 report to 2nd hour to review for upcoming exams
                                                            10:34-11:08 Lunch
                                                            11:08-12:43 2nd hour exam
                                                            12:43-12:48 break
                                                            12:48-2:23 3rd hour exam
Thursday, January 26th                7:35-9:15 4th hour exam
                                                            9:15-9:25 break
                                                            9:30-11:10 5th hour exam
Friday, January 27th         7:35-9:15 6th hour exam
                                                            9:15-9:25 break

                                                            9:30-11:10 7th hour exam

Additionally, here are some of the resources provided to students to help them best prepare for exams:

Exam Test Taking Tips and Resources

To help YOU prepare for exams, our Freeland Parent Support Organization (FPSO) is putting on its 3rd annual Exam Cram. Below are details:

When is it? Friday, January 20th from 2:30-5:00pm
Where is it? Freeland Middle School
What is it? A space for you to have 20-30 minutes per class to study with your peers in a fun but productive way!
Will there be food? Yes, we will provide each student with pizza (no charge), orange drink from McDonald's and/or water, and some candy prizes in class to keep you energized throughout the session! 
Where do I sign up? There is still time to sign up in the middle school office, OR in your homeroom time Friday, January 13th. You can go even if you didn't sign up, but we would like to know ahead of time if possible.
What if I have questions? See Mrs. Wulff!

Finally, make sure that you take 10 minutes to fill out this Parent Survey for the middle school. We use this data to guide us in improving your child's educational experience here at the middle school!